Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy Independance Day, and Anti-Boredom Month, and World UFO Day, and ...

This July might signify one of America’s favorite holidays—The Fourth of July, otherwise known as Independence Day—but did you know there are several unknown and even odd mini-celebrations the month through? Actually, most months have a few interesting and nearly never heard of holidays. For instance, July is also Anti-Boredom month, and July 2nd is world UFO day! Other strange and unusual days and month long celebrations in July are: Graham Cracker Day (July 5th—so break out the smores!), Cheer Up the Lonely Day (July 11th), National French Fries Day (July 13th—just in time for Walla-Walla onion rings!), Stick Your Tongue Out Day (July 19th), and National Hot Dog Month.
     If you do a quick search through the aether, you’ll find there is always something to celebrate in each and every month. So if your complaining about being bored, and don’t know what to do during this month of Anti-Boredom, then pick a few days to have a picnic or get together celebrating some of these odd holidays, like, why not go on a hot dog hop to all the doggie eateries you can find, guaranteed to be a fun, if not filling, time. And of course there is always fireworks and getting together with friends to eat rice-crispy treats on the fourth, and raise a beer (or cup of tea) to America and the Declaration of Independence. What are you doing this month to keep monotony at bay?

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